The Retail Junkies opened up the show.

The first designer showcased was 360 HotGear

The host was Mysfit

One of the VIP areas which included tattoo shop owner Roland Page of Black Pearl (upper area middle) and his son, STL rapper YoungRo (in green shirt) who I hear was passing out free Patron shots for folk!

Next up was the Hot List Models (in red and black)

...as well as the True Magic Models (in face paint)

This guy was among many crowd members who volunteered to go up on the catwalk to get their strut on during the breaks in the show. The following below are some of the many audience members who got in the act.

A Hot List Model.

Another Hot List Model.

Hot List Models.

More crowd members

Hot List Models with Young Ro upstairs in the cut.

Audience members

The next winner was Delux Magazine who won STL Hottest Publication. The magazine was also one of the sponsors of the event.

The crowd.

The Appreciation Award went to fashion deisgner Ramona Huey.

Coco won the Best Photographer Award

The next designer was J Kimberley Designs

Deisgner J Kimberley

J Kimberley Deisigns won STL Hottest Designer

Rapper Koco Severe won STL Hottest STL Entertainer who did not attend. Two of his fans got on stage who do the Koko Severe dance.

The Hot List Models get their party on.

The sista with the blonde fro was interseting.

Party people

Hot List Models gettin it in!

Gettin it in!

Young Ro performed.

Close up!

Some of the models got ons tage to be a Dunk Dat Girl.

Patches Clothing posing for the OUTCAM.

The Award.

Kayshenell of Inbox TV (as you see on the back of her shirt) was in the house.

There she is in front view.

Here, she was "woo-wooed" by Mysfit to strut her stuff on the catwalk. Well...

...charm gets you on stage. LOL

Crowd mebers got their thang on on stage.This brotah was doin the Crypt walk up on stage.

Next up was Designer Morgan Gehris

And this model did more than walk the runway...

...he got his swirl on on the dance floor!

Smores grindin! LOL

Showing the crowd his "assets." LOL

....as well as his "S" dance.

Lowridin all the way! TMP

This sista got low next to the runway.

More crowd models got on stage.

This crow dmdoel was throwin out some serious video girl hairr!.

Gettin it crunk!

This brotha had dem dollaz. Dont know what he did with it whether he was goin to make it rain or make the stage like a stripper pole!

He had several 100s in that stack!

A long shot of the crowd from the beginning of the runway.

Another particpant in the crowd on the runway.
NOTE: Overall this fashion show/award show was what you call hoodfabulous. The designs and models on schedule were on point, but it was just a lil bit much with the crowd giving the go to walk on stage during the filler moments in the show. The saving grace were The Hot List and True Magic Modeles were also a highlight with their fashions.
The winners were nominated in Saint Louis by people in the Saint Louis area by myspace and email. According to the Hot List, Inc., people had to have more than several nominations to be considered hot for what they do.
Here are the other winners of that nite:
The following are the other award winners who won awards that nite:
STL Hottest Model: HotList Model Tori
STL Hottest Model: HotList Model Tori
STL Hottest Make Up Artist: GORGEOUS of Gorgeous Faces
STL Hottest Make-Up Artist: True Magic Make- Up
STL Hottest Models: Amour Models
STL Hottest Promotions: Klassy Women Productions
STL Hottest Promotions: Smitty STL Hottest
Hottest Designer: Fancee O STL
Hottest promoter: JoJo Kendagor
STL Hottest Hair Stylist: Mz. Toya The Mane Attraction (who also was featured on the runway)
Hottest DJ: DJ Sir Los
STL Hottest IN and Out STL Show Producer: Jon-Erickque
STL Hottest Graphic Artist-- Sub Line Media STL
Hottest Photographer: Andre of Jus Photos
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