RIGHT: Therres' YOURS TRULY, Ma'at Atkins with a TOO HOT chef and Mr. Brian who was a car jacker. BELOW: From left--Lady gaga, A Sexy Pirate Girl and Exo's Fred Finley as a boxer.

The Nuvo lit sign on the brick wall.

Batgirl and Robin
The Louis Vuitton Chic
The Blind Umpire, the Sexy Shepherd and the Chef.

The Witch and Robin Hood

Uh, we couldnt figure this costume out.

Dracula and his crew.

Two of the seven sinful models at the event

Chef Willie in his Jack Daniels head wrap.

Glenda the Good Witch

Fitness trainer Deanthony Moore was a Sex Therapist and his name was Dr Makeucum (GET IT???)

Sexy costumes

Major Brands Tre Williams talks with the models who were helping out at the event.

Tre with five of the sinful models.

A flapper and the Sista Always at the Door at Exo. LOL

Frontline Protections' Al Wade in 70s Afro and Miss Tiffany as Bee Girl .

Freetime's Roy Robinson was Bruce Leroy and the young lady with him was Vanity

The highlight of the nite was Heather Jefferson and Jason Ware as The First Lady and President Obama.

The crowd

We saw our share of brothas in pimp outfits, but this guy had the pimp cup.

Some lovelies gettin a drink at the upstairs bar.

We were wondering if this guy was actually in costume. LOL

Exo's Harry Michel was RamBRO

Some guys meet Chucky

Good For the People's Jerrod Jones was celebrating his b-day that note. Here he poses with Pirate Girl and Finley.

This guy had the most creative costume as a bullrider

The bullrider got it both ways!

A Gladiator

Socialite Valarie Johnson returned back to the States
as a Zena Warrior sort of speak. Johnson spent one year in South Korea teaching Koreans the English language.

People outside of Exo waiting to get in.

It was packed to the hilt up in Karma.

Many sexy bunnies and tigers.


A bunny, a nurse, Pam Grier and a kitten.

Another pimp

A Native American girl.

A Pirate girl and a Swiss Miss.

This sista had on the same Wonder Woman Costume that a sista had on at Exo that you will see later on in the pics below.

The guy with the beer hat.

MJ at the bar. (There was a guy at Lure who had the same costume on the OUT 712 post)

And therre's Karma host Mocha Latte who was dressed as a gangsta chic.

A jester and a Pope.

Folk were crammed up in therre.

A mix of costumes and civilians. LOL

Up in the VIP area were Precision's Rob Kirk (left) and Club Plush hypeman Big Terrence (fourth from left).

A beautiful Eve

...and her Apple.

Captain America Girl, Supergirl and Wonder Woman.


Couple Reena Hajat as an umpire and David Carroll as Pujols.

Host A.I. emceed the costume contest that was happening upstairs. The prizes were Best Pink Outfit First place ($500), Second Place Pink Outfit ($200) and Overall Costume ($500)

Folk waiting to see the contest

Abot 15 or so people entered the contest. One was the cop.

A native Indian girl

Moore entered

Miss Erin was a pink angel

The judges

Johnson entered

This sista was LIl KIm.

She was Golden Cleoprata

King Tut Girl

The Joker

Another lady cop

President and First Lady

Robin and Batgirl.

The Queen and King of Hearts.

A Serial (Cereal ) Killer. he looked more like rapper Method Man than anything. LOL)

These two were competiting for Best Pink Costume

She took second

And she took first

Williams posing with the winner.

President Obama and First LAdy Michelle Obama.

The Blind Umpire, the Sexy Shepherd and the Chef.

The Witch and Robin Hood

Uh, we couldnt figure this costume out.

Dracula and his crew.

Two of the seven sinful models at the event

Chef Willie in his Jack Daniels head wrap.

Glenda the Good Witch

Fitness trainer Deanthony Moore was a Sex Therapist and his name was Dr Makeucum (GET IT???)

Sexy costumes

Major Brands Tre Williams talks with the models who were helping out at the event.

Tre with five of the sinful models.

A flapper and the Sista Always at the Door at Exo. LOL

Frontline Protections' Al Wade in 70s Afro and Miss Tiffany as Bee Girl .

Freetime's Roy Robinson was Bruce Leroy and the young lady with him was Vanity

The highlight of the nite was Heather Jefferson and Jason Ware as The First Lady and President Obama.

The crowd

We saw our share of brothas in pimp outfits, but this guy had the pimp cup.

Some lovelies gettin a drink at the upstairs bar.

We were wondering if this guy was actually in costume. LOL

Exo's Harry Michel was RamBRO

Some guys meet Chucky

Good For the People's Jerrod Jones was celebrating his b-day that note. Here he poses with Pirate Girl and Finley.

This guy had the most creative costume as a bullrider

The bullrider got it both ways!

A Gladiator

Socialite Valarie Johnson returned back to the States
as a Zena Warrior sort of speak. Johnson spent one year in South Korea teaching Koreans the English language.

People outside of Exo waiting to get in.

It was packed to the hilt up in Karma.

Many sexy bunnies and tigers.


A bunny, a nurse, Pam Grier and a kitten.

Another pimp

A Native American girl.

A Pirate girl and a Swiss Miss.

This sista had on the same Wonder Woman Costume that a sista had on at Exo that you will see later on in the pics below.

The guy with the beer hat.

MJ at the bar. (There was a guy at Lure who had the same costume on the OUT 712 post)

And therre's Karma host Mocha Latte who was dressed as a gangsta chic.

A jester and a Pope.

Folk were crammed up in therre.

A mix of costumes and civilians. LOL

Up in the VIP area were Precision's Rob Kirk (left) and Club Plush hypeman Big Terrence (fourth from left).

A beautiful Eve

...and her Apple.

Captain America Girl, Supergirl and Wonder Woman.


Couple Reena Hajat as an umpire and David Carroll as Pujols.

Host A.I. emceed the costume contest that was happening upstairs. The prizes were Best Pink Outfit First place ($500), Second Place Pink Outfit ($200) and Overall Costume ($500)

Folk waiting to see the contest

Abot 15 or so people entered the contest. One was the cop.

A native Indian girl

Moore entered

Miss Erin was a pink angel

The judges

Johnson entered

This sista was LIl KIm.

She was Golden Cleoprata

King Tut Girl

The Joker

Another lady cop

President and First Lady

Robin and Batgirl.

The Queen and King of Hearts.

A Serial (Cereal ) Killer. he looked more like rapper Method Man than anything. LOL)

These two were competiting for Best Pink Costume

She took second

And she took first

Williams posing with the winner.
AND THE WINNER WAS...................

President Obama and First LAdy Michelle Obama.
NOTE: OVerall, there were many of the same costumes at both spots we attended (angles, Michael Jackson,bunny outfits, pimps). The winners at Exo' s contest with the Obamas got applause and some boos from people who didnt think they had an actual costume (the ones who griped the most was the couple who were the King and Queen of HeartS) , but hey you cant go wrong with the Obamas (and the guy who was Obama, Jason Ware, actually resembles the President.) The winner of Karma's first place contest was Cora Drew (who came as Josephine Baker in the banana outift last year at the club when it was Lush and she won second place) who came as a semi nude peacock. The cash prize was $2500. You can see her pic in this week's issue of the Evening Whirl News.
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