YOURS TRULY, Ma'at Atkins, gettin his pose on at St. Louis Fashion Week. Check out the other pics below!
Photos by Ma'atology

STL-TVs Sande Stevenson interviews designer, Nina Ganci. Her designs, entitled, SKIF, were to be featured that nite.

Then, we went backstage.

Roller Skates!

Another shot of the crowd from the elevator.

Stevenson doing a bumper for Fashion Week.

The crowd.

The beginning credit of the show
First up was:

Model Christian Cofield

A model accompanies a special needs person in the show.

This "model" (and we put that in italics) hopped down at the end of his runway walk.

And teased around with the front row.


Here comes the roller boogie queens.

Skating down

The runway

And skating back down

The runway. They were the highlight, of course.

Next up was:


The designers Sean Bilovecky and Ryan ONell.
Last up was:


A close up of them sandals.


Therre's STL TV personality Gilberto Pinello wearin a mean fedora up in there.

There's Mom Me Makeover and St. Charles Fashion Week producer Ola Hawatmeh in a rock chic number.

Stevenson takes a flick with U CE ME Designer and St. Lunatics member Murphy Lee before there intereview.

Urbanistas blogger Nikki Lyles poses with U CE Me Designer and St. Lunatics member Kyjuan Dabess.

Murph does a plug for STL-TV.

Yani Company couple J.W. and Jared Moore also attended.

We peeped out comedian Tommy Davidson at the St. Louis House of Comedy. Here, Davidson is posed backstage with STL comedian/Wild Stylz host Princeton "Yung One" Dew who hosted that nite.

Dew got the crowd ready for the comics who performed prior to Davidson. One of his jokes was about the Evening Whirl newspaper saying that killers are on the front page and clubs to go to get killed are on the backpage.

Next up was STL poet 16 Bars who spat a couple of poems about being a 70s kid and love relationships that won the crowd over.

Comedian and House of Comedy GM Longhorn had the crowd going with his stories.

Comedian Frank L. gave them a laid back introspective set, mainly on the opposite sex.

House of Comedy owner also got on the mike. He did a hilarous set about Obama losing his cool, people's cell phones being disconnected, and Michael Jackson's lyric "Annie Are you Ok" in Smooth Criminal." .

Lee ribbin on an audience member about what he was wearing.

Lee had them in stitches.

Dew introduced the headliner, Davidson, who was challenged by Dew to a dance off.

Davidson started off by saying, "Man, they had me waiting for too long. I was wondering when I was coming out. They kept saying, "Here have some more chicken while you wait.'"

Most of his set was mainly on crcking on the crowd.
Davidson also did many impressions inclduing a redneck and a runway slave.

Davidson also got political when he said, "People asked me, Are you voting for Obama cuz he's black....yes. People saying its going to be a long four years, it was a longer 400 years."

He also did a hilarious off the cuff bit tghroughout his set impersonating a couple in the crowd who were eating food and laughing at the same time.

Davdison's comedy set was a bit attentive deficient (Meaning he talked about one subject then go off tangent to the crowd rippin on them then try and refocus back on what he was talking about). But overall, his set was entertaining.
NOTE: Spotted was former Posh owner Jeff Neely (who we will talk about at OUT 705--STL TIDBITZ on why he closed down Posh in the Central west End of St. Louis).

Roller Skates!

Another shot of the crowd from the elevator.

Stevenson doing a bumper for Fashion Week.

The crowd.

The beginning credit of the show
First up was:

Model Christian Cofield

A model accompanies a special needs person in the show.

A Skif stylist

This "model" (and we put that in italics) hopped down at the end of his runway walk.

And teased around with the front row.


Here comes the roller boogie queens.

Skating down

The runway

And skating back down

The runway. They were the highlight, of course.

Next up was:


The designers Sean Bilovecky and Ryan ONell.
Last up was:


A close up of them sandals.


Therre's STL TV personality Gilberto Pinello wearin a mean fedora up in there.

There's Mom Me Makeover and St. Charles Fashion Week producer Ola Hawatmeh in a rock chic number.

Stevenson takes a flick with U CE ME Designer and St. Lunatics member Murphy Lee before there intereview.

Urbanistas blogger Nikki Lyles poses with U CE Me Designer and St. Lunatics member Kyjuan Dabess.

Murph does a plug for STL-TV.

Yani Company couple J.W. and Jared Moore also attended.

We peeped out comedian Tommy Davidson at the St. Louis House of Comedy. Here, Davidson is posed backstage with STL comedian/Wild Stylz host Princeton "Yung One" Dew who hosted that nite.

Dew got the crowd ready for the comics who performed prior to Davidson. One of his jokes was about the Evening Whirl newspaper saying that killers are on the front page and clubs to go to get killed are on the backpage.

Next up was STL poet 16 Bars who spat a couple of poems about being a 70s kid and love relationships that won the crowd over.

Comedian and House of Comedy GM Longhorn had the crowd going with his stories.

Comedian Frank L. gave them a laid back introspective set, mainly on the opposite sex.

House of Comedy owner also got on the mike. He did a hilarous set about Obama losing his cool, people's cell phones being disconnected, and Michael Jackson's lyric "Annie Are you Ok" in Smooth Criminal." .

Lee ribbin on an audience member about what he was wearing.

Lee had them in stitches.

Dew introduced the headliner, Davidson, who was challenged by Dew to a dance off.

Davidson started off by saying, "Man, they had me waiting for too long. I was wondering when I was coming out. They kept saying, "Here have some more chicken while you wait.'"

Most of his set was mainly on crcking on the crowd.

Davidson also got political when he said, "People asked me, Are you voting for Obama cuz he's black....yes. People saying its going to be a long four years, it was a longer 400 years."

He also did a hilarious off the cuff bit tghroughout his set impersonating a couple in the crowd who were eating food and laughing at the same time.

Davdison's comedy set was a bit attentive deficient (Meaning he talked about one subject then go off tangent to the crowd rippin on them then try and refocus back on what he was talking about). But overall, his set was entertaining.
NOTE: Spotted was former Posh owner Jeff Neely (who we will talk about at OUT 705--STL TIDBITZ on why he closed down Posh in the Central west End of St. Louis).
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