People walking through the area.

People near the stage area.
People sitting near the stage area.
Midliner act Nato Caliph and his deejay on stage.
More people near the stage area.
Nato brung it to the crowd!
A deaf interpreter signing the show.
A backstage shot of Nato on stage.
There's rappers Vandalyzm and Black Spade near the stage area during Nato's set. They performed later in the set.
Members of Nato's camp (including Brad Stewart on right) performing a dual.
St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay talkin' with colleagues in the VIP area during the concert.
Rapper Tef Poe also performed.
Poe and Vandalyzm
SYGU promoter Rhashad Whittier enjoyin the set.
Black Spade on the mic.
The collective, Soul Tyde up on stage.
Their set lasted for an hour.
NOTE: The Nato Caloph set was on point. It was like Loop Underground set with all of the STL underground rap stars in the mix.
Then there was a 30 minute intermission....
During intermission, there was a meet and greet with the headliners Bell Biv Devoe behind the stage area. (The pic is a bit dark but if you click on it you will be able to see the pic a bit better)
The trailer area for the entertainers were in the back of the stage area as well.
The So Diverse ladies were out and about: Jameelah E., Lia Cleere and Patrice Renee
Hype maker Reggie V got the crowd dancin
This lil one as as well as countless others started it off when Cupid Shuffle played on the loudspeakers.
To the right, to the right...to the left, to the left!!!
Old school hip hip also was played which started an impromptu breakdancing set.
This lil one was in a dancing fit even during the Cha Cha Slide.
Errbody Cha Cha Slidin!
After the dance break:
Majic 104.9 personality Selena J greeted the crowd. The station was the main sponsor of the Bell Biv Devoe concert.
Majic personality BJ the DJ also addressed the crowd.
Before BBD walked on stage:
Their dee-jay clowned on the moodmaking even to the point where his outer shirt was skillfully taken off during the mix down.
After about ten minutes, he introduced the three gents that folk were waiting to see:
Bell, Biv , Devoe (in order). Accompanied by two dancers and a live band, they started their hour set with "She's Dope," then segued into "I Thought it Was Me," and then New Edition's Bad Boy single "Hot Tonite."
Next, Biv and Devoe, showcased their rapping skills freestyling on Black Sheep's' The Choice is Yours." Then did their big hit, "Do Me baby" and followed with some "House Party" styled dance moves to Slick Rick's' " Children's Story."
Michael Bivins in rap mode.
Ronnie DeVoe in rap mode.
The group were very animated kinda like a swagged out Three Stooges.
They also performed a new song, " Hello Baby Tell Me Something."
Ricky Bell brought the smoothed out vocals.
The crowd enjoyed every moment of the trio.
The group did many stunts with the mic and mic stands including holding the mic and its stand for their group member.
In Matrix mode.
The ladies in the crowd were going crazy over the three group members.
DeVoe unbuckled his blinged out belt buckle insinuating his mood moment.
Bell got some front action as well.
...and so did Bivins.
As Bell took a pic of the crowd, the other guys spoke to the crowd about their longevity. They asked, "How many been with BBD since 1990?" The crowd screamed YES. Then they asked, "Who rocked further than that in the last 28 years?" The crowd screamed YES.
After that, they wanted to find a fan who was a fan of theirs since Day One.
They searched and found her next to the stage gate.
Her name was Tina and before she showed how much of a fan she was, she got hugs from all of them.
Then she was tested of her fanship when the group performed their parts on 1985 hit, "Mr Telephone Man" She had their moves and sang more of the lyrics after the test was over.
After that, they asked the crowd how many go back to 1984? The crowd screamed YES and then they performed parts of their first major hit, "Cool it Now." Then asked, how many go back to 1983? Crowd screamed YES and they performed some of their first hot, "Candy Girl, and Devoe joked about the only part he had in the song which was, "She bad, she bad, I know she bad."
Their next set they slowed it down with a rare treat first performing the album cut, " I Do Ned You" from their first BBD album, then the hits, "Something In Your Eyes" and "Wen will I See You Smile Again."
Bell in full frame.
They also sang snippets of New Edition slow jams including, "Is This The End," and "Can You Stand the Rain."
And lastly they performed the song that everybody was waiting for, "Poison."
The group tried tio get a few ladies up on stage to dance with their dancers, but they were told their time was up.
NOTE: This was a great concert and the guys seemed as though they havent missed a step.
Thankks for writing this